
Hopeful Commissioning

Posted by Sharon Krause on May 14, 2021 6:00:00 AM

In the last chapters of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and in the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, we read of the last interactions of Jesus with his apostles. We see apostles doubting, being admonished for doubting, worshipping, being commissioned, and being given hopeful promises for the future.

In the midst of coping with their fear of some of their fellow Jews, the 11 apostles had to deal with believing accounts of appearances of the risen Jesus and questioning the meaning of the scriptures and their own faith. When Jesus did appear to them despite the locked doors, they must have been a bit rattled. Grief or relief? Doubt or belief?

Just think about it. The apostles’ beloved friend, teacher, and healer was crucified like a criminal, and then, three days later, was raised from the dead by God the Father, and began appearing to them and others. That was a lot to take in! When they saw Jesus, they worshipped him. Jesus opened their minds to understanding the scriptures. He was always teaching them by challenging them, by his example and by parables. These common fishermen, and even a tax collector, were now being challenged to completely change careers; they were to make disciples everywhere as they taught about Jesus’ commands and the Kingdom of a loving God.

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Topics: RENEW International, Sharon Krause, Jesus' call, The Ascension, The Apostles

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